Meeting Jesus in my son's disability

In his book, Beyond Loneliness. The Gift of God's Friendship, pastor Trevor Hudson states that from scripture we know that "the unpredictable God can surprise us in all things, in all places, and in all situations... His risen and ascended presence, as the writer to the Ephesians puts it, fills the entire universe." (Eph. 4:10) Nonetheless, he proceeds, "there are some special Gospel addresses where our Divine Friend promises to meet us." (p 74) According to Hudson, the first of these addresses, or places, is Communion. "Indeed, in Holy Communion, Jesus Christ tells us he wants our friendship." (p. 75) While some churches believe the bread and wine in Communion literally become Jesus' body and blood, my church tradition sees them only as symbols pointing to his death, resurrection, and second coming. Therefore I used to approach Communion, or the Lord's Supper as we call it, simply as something we do "in remembrance of him." Pasto...