In Retrospect: Three Years Later

April 11th, 2019. Late at night in Children's PICU. Trembling. Dear all, Caleb was admitted into the PICU after I brought him in for respiratory distress on Monday. He looked pretty ill, but we all thought we would "simply" end up spending a few days on the 6th floor dealing with an aspiration pneumonia. As he began to look more ill, he was moved to the intensive care unit. We found out yesterday that he had a yeast infection in his central line. The line was removed today. The yeast is also in his bloodstream, so he is septic. His lungs have been affected too either by the sepsis, or by being infected as well. They are confirming whether or not the infection is in his lungs. Regardless, he is getting treated for a generalized fungal infection. We know he is getting good care, but we also know this is very serious. We know he could die from this. I am compelled to share my theological understanding of things: I don't believe God is causing this for some mysterious re...