God in a Cat

I wrote this poem in December of 2019 in response to the prompt to write my most recent experience of God watering my dried-up hope in an expected way.

God in a cat…

Giving me someone to take care of

Someone to nurse and to keep warm

Someone to reassure, “I am here. I will take care of you.”

God in a cat…

Giving me someone to hold

Someone to caress

Someone to sing to

Someone to keep me awake at night

God in a cat

Watering my dried-up hope

By a leap and sudden landing on my lap

he breaks the spell of grief...

Perhaps God's here with me

Perhaps God knows and cares


I was praying, and crying, for Caleb during our Advent devotional when our cat, Tajín, suddenly leapt unto my lap. The association I make of God with a cat comes from the book The Horse and His Boy from The Chronicles of Narnia where Aslan shows up as a barn cat to comfort the boy. God has used Tajín to comfort me more than once since Tajín showed up under our house. 


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